English Webinar: International Recruitment – Latest Study Findings

In our first English webinar “International Recruitment – Latest Study Findings”, in cooperation with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and The Network you will get insights of 150,000 workforce responses from more than 185 countries.

Over 60% of the global workforce are willing to work aboard and Switzerland remains an attractive country for this purpose. Discover why professionals choose Switzerland as their preferred workplace and which qualities they value most in the process.

Our experts, Davide Villa, CEO of JobCloud together with Orsolya Kovacs, Associate Director, People Strategy & HR at BCG will present the latest insights and data from our extensive study. Learn about the crucial criteria for international candidates and discover how you can integrate these findings into your recruitment strategy.


  • Introduction of Study Findings
  • Analysis of Motivations of International Professionals
  • Identification of Key Criteria for International Candidates
  • Practical Recommendations for Successful International Recruitment

You can download the webinar recording for free here.

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